Parent alleged to have attacked school principal is remanded to HMP; attorney advised to seek bail through the High Court
The man who was involved in a violent incident with the principal of the Mary E. Piggott Primary School, has been remanded to His Majesty’s Prison.
Michael Samuel, the parent at the centre of the controversy, was denied bail in the St. John’s Magistrates Court today, March 13, with his lawyer, Wendel Robinson, advised to make an application in the High Court, instead.
Meanwhile, Samuel, who is facing three charges – malicious damage of a gold chain, trespassing, and battery – had his matter adjourned to April 17.
Last Wednesday, March 8, following a confrontation between the two, it is alleged that Samuel tackled Christopher Roberts from behind, knocking him to the floor.
Reportedly, the confrontation stemmed from the fact that Samuel’s son had been suspended from school on account of his behaviour.
As a consequence of what they saw as escalating violence on the school compounds, several schools staged sit-ins on Friday last week, demanding improved security on the compounds.