Barbuda Council honours sister-island youth with awards to celebrate their ‘fires within’

The Barbuda Council recently honoured a number of youth with awards in several disciplines.

On February 25, the Council’s Sports and Youth Affairs Department hosted its first-ever Youth Awards under the theme “Igniting the Fire Within.”

Reports are that 16 extraordinary, dynamic “diamonds” were awarded in different disciplines, including entrepreneurship, sports, culture and performing arts, tourism, poetry, agriculture and farming.

Barbuda MP Trevor Walker, who was also a sponsor for the award ceremony, gave congratulatory remarks.  He expressed appreciation to the chairwoman of Sports and Youth Affairs, Sharima Myers, and her team, who, he said, did an excellent job in executing this vision.

Also in attendance at the function was Director of Youth Affairs Dr. Jrucilla Samuel, who was the featured speaker, and Senator Caleb Gardiner, who gave a special charge to the youth.

According to one of the organisers, this question has often been asked: “Can anything good come out of Barbuda?” This was answered with a resounding “Yes,” noting that the awardees are living proof of that.

Subsequently, the organizers exhorted all the awardees and upcoming young leaders to remain inspired and motivated and to keep igniting that fire from within.

It is already being anticipated that the 2024 Youth Awards will be even bigger and better.