Two sexual-offense cases are withdrawn from the Court, at alleged victims’ request, and two others are under investigation

Two sexual-offence cases were recently withdrawn in the High Court, after both alleged victims decided they did not want any further action against their purported assailants.

One of the cases involved a male from Greenbay and a Golden Grove man, who were both charged with indecent assault. This offence reportedly occurred on December, 24 2019.

When the men appeared before Justice Ann-Marie Smith, the alleged victim said she did not wish to proceed any further with the case. Therefore, the prosecution decided to withdraw the matter, honouring the complainant’s request.

Meanwhile, a Piccadilly man who was charged with rape and unlawful sexual intercourse also escaped prosecution after that alleged victim also said she did not wish to pursue the matter.

This offence reportedly occurred between May 1, 2019 and June 27, 2019.

However, even as these two men avoided prosecution, another man has found himself in trouble with the law for a similar offense.

Reportedly, a woman took her 15-year-old daughter to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and reported that the girl had been sexually assaulted by a known male. 

This incident reportedly occurred on December 11 at about 9:30 p.m.

Additionally, the rape of a 19-year-old woman from the St. George constituency is being investigated after the incident was reported to the CID.  A source says the victim told the Police that she had been sexually violated by a man with whom she is familiar.

This offence reportedly occurred sometime between 12 and 1 a.m. on December 15 at All Saints.

Inquiries are ongoing into both matters.