Justin Simon, KC, explains conditions for DPP’s removal and stresses that public confidence in the justice system is critical

Anthony Armstrong’s removal as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) would have to be executed by the Governor-General, says Justin Simon, K.C. – and this would be on the advice of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission.

The DPP is a creature of the Constitution, Simon reminds the public. However, if he is found guilty of a criminal offence, his removal is automatic.
If, however, Armstrong is absolved of the charges, then – for transparency and public confidence in the office – the honourable thing for him to do is demit office, says Simon, a former Attorney-General.
Simon says it is very important that the people are able to trust this country’s justice system; that officers of the court are held to the same – or a higher – standard as residents; and that they are subject to disciplinary action.