To reduce road accidents, changes are coming soon to junctions at Dee’s and Sprugoo’s Gas Stations, says Traffic Head Ellis
As early as next week, some changes may be coming to at least two traffic junctions, as the Traffic Department seeks to reduce the number of vehicular accidents.
The Head of the Traffic Department, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Rodney Ellis, says the junction at Dee’s Service is one of these locations.
Ellis says his department has been looking at how drivers exit these junctions, noting that they should turn with the flow of traffic, instead of the usual practice of turning against it. He says this habit has been problematic, and measures must be taken to curb it.
Discussions have been held with the relevant stakeholders, including technicians in the Ministry of Works, who agreed to the changes, Ellis reports.
Now, he says, the Traffic Department will be meeting with the Antigua and Barbuda Transport Board with regard to the re-marking of the junctions.
The Department Head says the junction at Sir Sydney Walling Highway and Sir George Walter Highway, at the recently installed roundabout near Sprugoo’s Service Station, must be addressed, as well.
Ellis says that drivers are still not following the rules at that junction, and consideration is being given to repositioning the roundabout – to which the stakeholders have agreed.
These new measures form part of the Traffic Department’s changing strategies to curb accidents, especially at such junctions.
Meanwhile, Ellis is cautioning motorists who traverse the Old Parham Road to be extremely careful, due to current road works that have resulted in the traffic being diverted.
This has caused vehicles to be backed-up along that busy thoroughfare, he says; therefore, he is asking persons who might be in a hurry to be cautious in order to avoid traffic collisions.