Police keep busy as they investigate break-ins at a band house and farm store house
A local steel orchestra has become the victim of thieves losing a quantity of building materials from its pan yard.
Reports are that the Original Steel Orchestra building in Clare Hall was recently broken into and several sheets of plywood and a yellow cooler were stolen.
The matter was reported to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) by a Clare Hall resident and during their investigations the officers discovered where some unknown person(s) used a hard object to pry off a lock from the burglar bar from a door.
Further reports are that the person(s) entered the building and stole the items before making an exit via that same point of entry.
A search was carried out by the police in the immediate surroundings for the stolen items, however, without success.
Meanwhile, a livestock farmer is reporting that his storeroom and chicken pen were broken into and several items stolen.
The 41-year-old Parham man made a report of the incident to the All Saints Police Station.
Officers reportedly visited the scene and conducted inquiries and discovered that the intruder(s) used a hard implement to pry off a metal door.
Having gained access into the building the person(s) stole one water pump, a weed whacker, a solar panel and the controller.
Both incidents are still under investigation.