Rotary Clubs partner with Freetown Primary on technology-integration program while Joseph donates fans to two primaries
A government primary school has been selected to take part in a Technology-Integration Pilot Programme, in collaboration with several partners, including the Ministry of Education.
The Rotary Club of Antigua and the Bellevue Breakfast Club, through the “Improving Teaching Through Technology” initiative, have partnered with the Ministry, iLabGlobal Inc., and The Caribbean Tech Genius Foundation to pilot The Systemic Technology Integration Training Series (STITS) in the Freetown Primary School.
Principal Alden James is endorsing the programme and says he looks forward to the results of the pilot. So, too, does Director of Education Clare Browne, who says the Ministry recognizes that technology integration is necessary and multidimensional.
He adds that the STITS programme addresses some educators’ critical professional development needs, and he eagerly awaits the engagement of parents in the integration process.
Meanwhile, assistance of another kind was given to two primary schools by Senator Jonathan Joseph on Wednesday morning, September 21.
With his limited resources, says Joseph, the United Progressive Party Candidate for St. Mary’s North, he made a donation of standing fans to the Jennings and Bendals Primaries – as well as to the Bendals Clinic.
Reports say the recipients were grateful, considering the excessive heat the country is experiencing at present.