Tradesman working on a Mount Joy house is threatened, tied up with shoelaces, and robbed of significant cash and phone by two masked men

While he was working on a house in Mount Joy, a Swetes man was robbed and
tied up with shoelaces by masked armed men.
Reports say the man was laying tiles at the residence when two masked men,
brandishing knives and cutlasses, entered the property and tied him up.
One is said to be about 5 feet 10 inches and the other about 5 feet 4 inches tall,
dark in complexion, and had their faces covered with T-Shirts. Allegedly, the
shorter of the two spoke with an Antiguan accent and he ordered the man to
“shut up” before robbing him of his APUA cell phone; his brown leather wallet
containing $8,000 in cash, along with his voter’s identification card, Social
Security and Medical Benefits Scheme cards; and his driver’s licence.
The man subsequently managed to free himself and made his way to the
Parham Police Station, where he informed officers of his ordeal.
This offence reportedly occurred at about 5:45 p.m. on June 2.
Inquiries continue into this report.