Three local cops top RSS course, with female sergeant scoring highest; source claims Force has not recognized her

Three local police officers have topped a regional course and amassed the
highest grades, earning the first, second and third spots.
However, what is really impressive, observers say, is that a female sergeant
bested her male counterparts – both of whom are senior to her – attaining a
90 percent grade at the conclusion of the three-week, major-crime
investigation course.
Reports say the male officers – an inspector and a senior sergeant – attained
an 82 percent pass and an 80 percent grade, respectively.
The annual Regional Security Services (RSS) course was facilitated by a
Canadian instructor and was held in Barbados.
Reports say that some 24 officers from the region took part in the course, of
which two weeks of learning were completed online, while the final week was
an in-person activity.

The successful officers returned home last week and were set to meet with
Commissioner of Police Atlee Rodney.
However, a source tells REAL News that this meeting was eventually
cancelled, because the commissioner, who had requested the meeting, had
other engagements.
The source claims that although the sergeant attained the highest grade in the
course, not one member of the top brass of the Force has complimented her.
Reportedly, only one of her colleagues who went on the course has offered her

It is alleged that a senior officer who became aware of the female sergeant’s
participation in the course only inquired how she had been able to get into it.
The source says the female officer ought to be commended, because she is not
an investigator, but has worked for several years in the prosecution

She last worked with former Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh as the main