Caretaker Quinn-Williams and freedom-fighter Isaac urge Antiguans to support Barbudans since the shoe could be on the other foot one day

Pearl Quinn-Williams, the United Progressive Party caretaker for St. John’s
Rural North, is making a call for citizens and the residents of Antigua to join
Barbudans in their fight to preserve their lands and heritage.
Barbudans travelled to Antigua and were out for two consecutive days, May
29 and 30, in a protest action aimed at bringing attention to their fight against
the Government over land and environmental concerns.
This action took place as the fourth international Small Island Developing
States (SIDS4) conference was underway at the American University of
Antigua (AUA) campus.
Quinn-Williams says her heart bleeds for the Barbudans, since it appears that
the Browne Administration wants to take advantage of them and make them
second-class citizens in their own country.
She says it is important for the residents of Antigua to stand with the people of
Barbuda since what is happening to them now could be our future in some
other instance.

Meanwhile, community activist Ewart Isaac also stood in solidarity with the
people of Barbuda people by joining them on the picket line. Isaac, who
considers himself an African-naturalist freedom fighter, says it was
worthwhile being a part of the action.

He, too, believes that the challenges facing Barbudans are not about them
only, but affect the people of Antigua, as well.
Commenting on the SIDS4 conference, Isaac says it is a talk shop that has
produced no action for the past 30 years, since the first event was hosted in

Community activist Ewart Isaac.