Wan Luv escapes over prison wall, but has his freedom curtailed next day when Police and Army officers recapture him

Brodah Wan Luv, the inmate who escaped the confines of His Majesty’s Prison,
is now facing charges of escaping lawful custody after having scaled the prison
wall on Monday night, May 27.
He reportedly escaped from the penal facility’s Quarantine Area at about 7
However, the inmate’s hopes for freedom were short-lived, as he was
recaptured the next day, May 28, at about 3 p.m., in Fort Road.
Reports say that law-enforcers formed a joint task force comprising Police and
Army officers and executed an operation to recapture the 37-year-old man.
Wan Luv, who is no stranger to the Police or the prison, is now on remand
awaiting his trial.