Without words, Peter Redz’ video appeals to the public for financial assistance for surgery that will keep him out of a wheelchair

Tevaughn “Peter Redz” Harriette is letting just-released video footage speak
for itself about his dire medical situation.
Harriette, a national football star, sustained an injury that now requires
urgent surgery in order to prevent him becoming wheelchair-bound.
Doctors have said the young man requires meniscus-replacement surgery, and
he has been trying to raise funds for travel to Spain where the operation
would be done.
Although he has already held a fundraiser and his colleagues in the United
Progressive Party (UPP) have hosted events to raise additional money,
Harriette remains well below the financial mark.

In the video released on Tuesday, May 28, the young athlete is seen “heading”
a football before the footage moves to an empty wheelchair. Harriette is then
seen walking to the wheelchair, where he rests the ball before he takes a seat
with the ball on his lap.
Throughout the 48-second video Harriette wears a very solemn countenance.
Donations toward the footballer’s surgery can be made at ACB Caribbean,
account number 108989991. There is also an international banking account
to which contributions can be made: 2100 8328 28 22000 40017.

Persons may also reach out to Harriette via telephone number 783-1247.
Some pledges have been made, but they are not enough to cover the cost of
the needed operation – without which the young man’s football career will

In the meantime, many people have been crying shame on the Government
and on the Antigua & Barbuda Football Association for not coming forward
with greater support for the national athlete.
Reports say the Government owes millions of dollars to the security firm that
Harriette and his father once managed, but the Administration allegedly
refuses to, or is unable to, settle the debt.
Harriet has represented Antigua and Barbuda locally, regionally, and on the
international stage.
The young star ran in the 2023 General Elections on the UPP ticket but was
unsuccessful in capturing the St. Peter seat.