Commissioner Rodney says security duties assigned to entire Force for SIDS4 week

The entire rank and file of the Police Force will be actively engaged during the
fourth international Small Island developing States (SIDS4) conference,
according to Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney.
However, he is promising that local duties, such as mobile patrols and court
duties, will not be neglected.
Commissioner Rodney says the Force is quite comfortable with its
preparations for hosting the conference, set to run from Monday, May 27 to
May 31.
He says quite a bit of preparatory work has been done ahead of the event,
which will attract over 3,000 delegates from across the globe, including heads
of government and heads of state.

A conference of this magnitude will require all hands to be on deck, Rodney
says, and therefore the entire Force will be actively involved, in one way or
another, making sure that dignitaries and guests are safe from any criminal
In addition, he says, officers will be required to perform their usual day-to-day

The commissioner reports that officers have been actively engaged in a range
of training exercises in preparation for the SIDS4 conference.
Rodney says that close-protection officers – those law enforcers who will be
working with the dignitaries or the heads of states – have undergone
additional training in that field.
Meanwhile, all those who will be assigned to security detail, according to the
commissioner, have been refreshed on what they should be doing to ensure
that those under their protection remain safe.

That was Commissioner of Police Atlee Rodney speaking on State television
on Friday, May 24.