Prison officer caught attempting to smuggle cannabis into 1735 is sentenced to two months and will be terminated from his job

The role of Hugh James, a former prison officer at His Majesty’s Prison, has
been switched, as the custodian has now become an inmate.
James was caught attempting to smuggle drugs into the penal facility several
days ago and was taken into custody. He was later arrested and charged for
possession of cannabis and for attempting to smuggle the contraband into the
prison compound.

James, a resident of Liberta, appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Dexter
Wason in the St. John’s Magistrates’ Court on Monday, May 13, and admitted to
his transgression. He was sentenced to two months in prison.

However, the 47-year-old man has also lost his main source of income: After
serving his time, he will be terminated from the government service after
having worked at the Prison for more than seven years, reports say.

This story broke on the weekend and has received widespread attention – as
well as many raised eyebrows and puns among the comments and jokes – as
the former prison officer reportedly had the cannabis strapped to his
James was intercepted by officers stationed at the Prison on Friday, May 10,
when he showed up for duty.
Many persons say they believe that James had been doing this for some time
and that the drug was intended for sale to the inmates.