MP Simon warns public that calls, emails and social-media solicitations in his name are a scam
MP Kelvin “Shugy” Simon has issued a scam alert, as a fraud
allegedly is being perpetrated in his name.
Simon is alerting the public that this alleged scam is targeting the
business community with unauthorized and fraudulent solicitations.
He says he has received reports of persons soliciting funds on his
behalf via telephone calls and emails, and by way of social media.
The MP is assuring the public that he does not operate in this
manner, and that neither he nor his team would ever solicit money
or donations in this way.
Therefore, Simon is advising anyone who receives such calls or
emails purportedly on his behalf to report the matter to the nearest
police station, or to Simon himself at 781-3369.
The public is urged to take the necessary precautions to avoid
becoming victims of this scam.