The hike in the cost of services will have a trickle-down effect – even on the basket of zero-rated goods – Isaac warns consumers

While residents are being told that the new rate of the Antigua and
Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST) will have little impact on the basket of zero-
rated food items, many appear to have forgotten that the cost of
services will be affected significantly, says D.Gisele Isaac.

The United Progressive Party (UPP) chairman says the additional 2
percent on the ABST absolutely will carry up prices in the basket and
impact other goods, as well.
For instance, since transportation is a service, Isaac points out that it
will cost businesses more to move their goods from the Port, and this
increase will be passed on to consumers.
And while Prime Minister Gaston Browne is insisting that the tax hike
will not be burdensome, Isaac says it is going to create a trickledown

Meanwhile, the UPP chairman says that some people appear to be
believing the prime minister’s rhetoric and responding to his call for
residents not to ask what the country can do for them, but what they
can do for the country. 
However, she is asking why the sacrifice is being required of those who
can ill afford the tax increase and not from the wealthy, who continue
to receive concessions. 

Isaac says the people need to wake up before yet another sales tax and
other increases are imposed on them in 2025.

UPP Chairman D. Gisele Isaac. 
In the meantime, residents are cautioned to spend their money wisely
this Christmas season, since January is about two weeks away and
signals the commencement of a new tax regimen.