DeFreitas promises to keep watchful eye on St. Mary’s South to ensure ALP candidate does not campaign on Gov’t’s time

Franz deFreitas, the United Progressive Party (UPP) caretaker for St.
John’s City South, says he will be keeping a close eye on St. Mary’s
South, since Antigua Labour Party candidate Samantha Marshall
should not be campaigning on the Government’s time. 

As the leader of government business in the Senate, and as the
parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Health, deFreitas
contends that Marshall is a government worker.

She is yet to resign these posts, but it is understood that, after the
Writ of Elections has been issued, Marshall has up until Nomination
Day to do so. 

In the meantime, deFreitas says he is concerned that Marshall might
be campaigning on her employer’s time, which is against the law.
He recounts the case involving his brother, Elloy deFreitas, who was
sacked from his civil-service position for taking part in a protest on
what was deemed to be government time.

That matter went to the Privy Council, which held that the action
had been taken on Elloy’s personal time.

Given the current situation, deFreitas says that this is “a space he
will be watching closely” to hold Gaston Browne and his candidates