Group complains that litter, clogged waterways, noise pollution are degrading their community while DCA appears impotent

The “Residents of Lower Fort Road and Adjacent Communities”
group is complaining that the Government’s housing project in the
Villa/Lower Fort Road areas has left litter strewn on the sides of the
street and that the waterways are being clogged with the material.

According to the group, “Overall, there has been a general decline in
aesthetics; issues relating to noise pollution; and an increase in
untidiness, including the poor storage of construction materials.”
Unfortunately, it adds, the Development Control Authority (DCA),
which is responsible for addressing many of these issues, appears to
lack the ability to do so. 

Alarmed residents have circulated a petition that, reportedly, has
been signed by over 40 members of the Lower Fort Road, Old
Runway, Dry Hill, and Villa Area communities. 

This petition – which asks that the Executive re-visit its decision to
relocate homes from The Point to Lower Fort Road – was included
with a letter that was submitted to the Prime Minister and the

“Residents envisage the Lower Fort Road neighbourhood as a model,
admirable community en-route to the historic and popular Fort
James Beach,” the group tells the Executive. 

Therefore, a request has been made for the authorities to meet with
the community and discuss its concerns; share ideas and plans; and
arrive at solutions acceptable to all parties. 

Meanwhile, the group notes that – as with other correspondence –
there has been no response to its letter, its petition, or its request to

However, in the meantime, the group says that community members
have embarked on developing a Neighbourhood Watch to address
increasing break-ins and robberies in the area, as well as
enhancement and beautification initiatives for the neighbourhood.