MP Walker wants reduction in Barbuda subvention paid over to Council, but Finance Minister Browne claims it cannot be done

Barbuda MP Trevor Walker is calling for the 50 percent transfer grant that was unilaterally cut from the Barbuda Council’s budget earlier this year.

The grant is used to help meet the Council’s financial obligations, including the payment of wages and salaries to local-government workers, who are now owed for more than 48 weeks, according to reports.   

In the 2022 Budget Presentation, Finance Minister Gaston Browne had announced that Barbuda’s subvention had been cut and the Council would now be receiving $6.5 million instead.

However, in spite of the allowance being reduced, the Browne Administration still has not honoured the monthly payments, and the people of Barbuda are said to be struggling.

Accordingly, MP Walker wants the outstanding 50 percent of the transfer to be paid up; but Browne says his administration is governed by the amount allotted to the Council.