Early-morning shoot-up of DeSouza Road home leaves family of five shaken by close call with injury or death
A DeSouza Road family of five was left shaken following a shooting incident in the early hours of Monday, September 5.
A family member spoke to REAL News on the condition of anonymity, reporting that, at around 3 a.m., he heard four loud explosions that sounded like gunshots.
He says he turned to his girlfriend and said the gunshots sounded as though they were coming into the house.
The father of three says he got up and looked through a window, but did not see anyone. Not wanting to venture outside at that time, he says he waited until sunrise to inspect.
Much to his surprise, he says, when he and a neighbour went looking around the house they discovered several bullet holes.
One of the bullets damaged the styling around the door frame and was lodged there, he says, while a bath left on a table in the front yard was split by another bullet.
On the eastern side of the house, the man says, he was able to trace the path where a bullet penetrated into the living room and burst his son’s book bag – mere hours before he was to return to school.
The child was in the living room at the time and could have been seriously injured or killed, the father says – admitting that the very thought brought tears to his eyes.
Allegedly, another bullet went through a neighbour’s fence and struck the house; but that one reportedly was not retrieved.
In the meantime, the man says he is still frightened and is wondering what could have caused this incident.
He is speculating that someone was being chased and ran into his yard. He believes the attacker opened fire, thinking that the person had entered his house.
The victim further speculates that two persons were chasing the individual, and one ran into his neighbour’s yard, breaking his pipe. The other came through his property, which is fenced on all four sides, he says.
The man reports that he and his family moved into the area only three months ago, and he has not been in any confrontations since then.
He notes that he or his daughter could have been injured, given where they were sleeping, and he implores persons to think about the safety of others before discharging a weapon in a residential area.
The Police were notified and have since visited his home and conducted investigations. Three bullets were retrieved from the house and four spent shells from the road.