Spencer does his part to awake the youth, saying that registering and voting are the way to change their situation
Former Prime Minister Dr. Winston Baldwin Spencer is calling on the youth to get registered, so they can help remove the Gaston Browne Administration from office.
He was speaking at the “Right Choice for Your Pocket” public rally, hosted by the United Progressive Party (UPP) at the King George V Ground on Thursday night, June 30.
Spencer, the former MP for St. John’s Rural West, says there is too much advantage being taken of the people under this Administration, and the only way to change that situation is for persons to vote on Election Day.
However, while most of the middle-age and older demographics are registered, Spencer says that many young people are reluctant to do so, believing their vote will not make a difference.
The former Prime Minister reminds the youth that they are an invaluable part of the country’s development and must let their voices be heard, and voting is just one step.
Elections in Antigua and Barbuda are constitutionally due in March 2023.