Indian nationals reportedly evade deportation, sparking fears of another Choksi abduction

George Wehner has reported another incident in which seven Indian “detainees” allegedly have gone missing.

He reports that these Indian citizens were denied entry at the V.C. Bird International Airport when they arrived.

However, instead of securing the travelers at the Department of Immigration’s Detention Centre at Coolidge, officials allegedly allowed them to check into a hotel — and now they reportedly cannot be found.

Immigration officials are said to be tight-lipped, and there has been no official confirmation of this alleged incident.

However, copies of passports reportedly belonging to these persons have gone into circulation via social media, and one Immigration officer has confirmed Wehner’s report to our News Room.

Social-media reports also claim that the disappearance of these Indians was facilitated by security personnel.

This has sparked fears that another attempt to abduct CIP citizen Mehul Choksi could be underway, since the 2021 effort did not result in his rendition to his native India.

In the meantime, one woman tells REAL News she hopes the Haitians who escaped Immigration are not found. This, she says, is because they were detained by the authorities while the Indians were not held, and she sees the disparate treatment as “naked racism.”