Workers Union troubled by reduction in work hours of Cost Pro staff, without rationale or consultation; employees down tools accordingly

Workers at a local supermarket took industrial action on Monday, June 3, over
a decision to further reduce their hours of work – without any proper reason
being given.
Cost Pro employees downed tools and met with representatives from the
Antigua and Barbuda Workers’ Union (ABWU) outside the Woods Mall
supermarket that morning.

The business place employs almost 100 employees, from cashiers to shelf
Hugh Joseph, industrial relations officer with the Union, says that
management of the supermarket had written to the union on May 21 with
regard to reducing the number of work days each week.
Joseph says the workers’ collective bargaining agreement states that a work
week should be 44 hours. However, for more than a year now, management
has reduced the work week to 40 hours – which they have the right to do,
based on the collective bargaining agreement, when business has slowed.
But at this time, he says, the Union is not in agreement with any further

The industrial relations officer says that in spite of its objection, the
supermarket has gone ahead and reduced the hours of work further.
However, he says, what is disturbing is that the reduction impacts only some

That was Hugh Joseph, industrial relations officer with the Antigua and
Barbuda Workers’ Union (ABWU).