Young man is fined $30,000 for illegal possession of firearm and ammunition stolen from his workmate, a licensed firearm holder

A 21-year-old Nelson Street man whom the Police charged for larceny and
possession of a firearm and ammunition has been convicted and fined
Nickquan Valarie had been arrested after a search warrant was executed at his
home on Friday, May 24, and the illegal items were found and seized.
He was subsequently charged and taken before the St. John’s Magistrates
Court on Thursday, May 30, when he pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of
a 9mm firearm; unlawful possession of 12 rounds of corresponding
ammunition; unlawful possession of one 9mm spent shell; and larceny of the
firearm, the ammunition and a holster.
In dishing out his sentence, Magistrate Dame Hamilton imposed a $10,000 fine
on Valarie for possession of ammunition and a $20,000 fine for possession of
the firearm.

On the charges of unlawful possession of the spent shell and larceny, he was
given a reprimand and discharged.
Earlier reports said that Valarie and the victim, who is a licensed firearm
holder, had been working together on a farm at Orange Valley when the
weapon vanished. A report of the theft was made to the Police, and this
prompted the search of his home.