Denying Barbudans a seat at SIDS4 is gross disrespect, Lewis says, while Simon reminds Administration that action speaks louder than words

The treatment that was meted out to the Barbuda Council, which was not
invited to the table at the just-concluded fourth international Small Island
Developing States (SIDS4) conference is being described as gross disrespect
by an Opposition MP.
As theirs is a small and highly vulnerable island, it was expected that the
sister-islanders would be part of the discussion to detail the environmental
issues they face. However, they were sidelined.
Accordingly, MP Richard Lewis, representative for St. John’s Rural West, is
chastising the Gaston Browne Administration for snubbing the Barbudans and
the Council.
Lewis says the prime minister’s refusal to invite them to participate in the
conference – as part of the Antigua and Barbuda delegation – was an attempt
to sabotage their efforts to raise global awareness of their plight. 

For some time now, Barbudans have been complaining about the destruction
of natural habitats by investors, whom the Government supports.
For example, the Codrington Lagoon, a natural breeding ground for sea
creatures in Antigua and Barbuda and in the OECS, is being threatened by the
development of a golf course.
Lewis is standing in solidarity with the Barbudans who traveled to Antigua for
the purpose of staging protest action on Wednesday and Thursday and
bringing attention to the Browne Administration’s hypocrisy.
He says the Administration’s unrelenting attacks on Barbudans’ lands, their
environment, their traditional way of life, and their mission to achieve
sustainable development must cease.  
Meanwhile, MP Kelvin “Shugy” Simon is also supporting the action taken by
the Barbudans.
He says the Government continues to indulge in mere talk about
environmental sustainability and resilience – while, through its actions, it is
going contrary to both.
Simon states that environmental protection is unlikely to be achieved, since
“People like Gaston Browne will say all the right words at the right times,” but
neglect the corresponding action.
He notes that it is action by which the Government will be judged, adding that
talk is cheap when it comes to the environment.