Violence among students appears to be abating, as Police partner with parents and other stakeholders to correct the situation, Rodney reports

There has been some improvement in the incidence of violence in the schools
amidst the call for parents to play a more active role in the lives of their

It was only last week that a brawl broke out among students at the Sir Novelle
Richards Academy, which resulted in two males receiving treatment for their
injuries at the hospital.
The Police have expressed concern about such incidents and have partnered
with several stakeholders to address the issue.
According to Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney, this approach has been
bearing fruit. However, since many parents are failing to bring up their
children properly, he says that members of society have to step in to correct
this unfortunate situation.

In the meantime, Rodney says the Police will continue to play their part in
reducing violence among the youth.
He notes that the solution is not always about making arrests and charging
young people who have been involved in unfortunate incidents; sometimes, it
is necessary to seek help for them so they might have a positive outcome for
their lives.
The Commissioner also acknowledges that most young people are unable to
engage in conflict resolution to solve their disputes – and notes that this is
difficult for adults, as well.

That was Commissioner of Police Atlee Rodney.