Browne projects US$10m spend by SIDS4 delegates, while Simon is disappointed by unkept promises

Finance Minister Gaston Browne is projecting that Antigua and Barbuda’s
hosting of the fourth international Small Island Developing States conference
(SIDS4) will inject millions of dollars into the economy.

This major economic boost, which should be spread over the next five days –
from May 27 to 31 – should see about US$10 million being spent locally if
Browne’s expectations are met.

He is counting on the amounts spent on accommodation and food – if the over
3,000 delegates were to spend at least $2,000 per person.
MP Kelvin “Shugy” Simon is also hoping that, with the hundreds of delegates
who have arrived ahead of Monday’s opening ceremony, there will be
considerable economic and social benefits for locals.
While he is optimistic about the conference’s economic impact, Simon is
disappointed that the Browne Administration has failed to implement several
promises of infrastructural upgrades ahead of the event.

Noting that “promises are the foundation of trust,” Simon says it is extremely
disappointing that the country does not look or feel like a welcoming host
country for an event that is held every 10 years.

He acknowledges that the roads leading to the conference facility at the
American University of Antigua have been patched; but he is concerned about
the rest of the country, as many roads remain in a deplorable state.

Simon notes, too, that the water problems persist, despite repeated promises
that it would be flowing through the pipes regularly by this time.

According to the United Progressive Party representative, the Browne
Administration, once again, has demonstrated that it has no credibility. 
Meanwhile, given the serious spike in criminal activity, Simon is urging the
public to continue being their brother’s keeper during this time, since the
Police will have their hands full with security for the conference.
The St. Mary’s South MP hopes that this will be an extremely busy time for the
country and wishes everyone a safe week.