Brawl involving Sir Novelle students breaks out after one youth reportedly is knocked unconscious by another; Police called in

Concerns about youth-on-youth violence continue to mount as two students
are nursing injuries sustained in a brawl at the Sir Novelle Richards Academy
on Wednesday, May 22, with State media reporting that the pair had to be
rushed to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.

Reports say they have since been discharged and are being monitored at
Allegedly, the two male students were involved in a fight in which one struck
the other with a stick, rendering him unconscious.

It is alleged that other students became involved after the altercation
escalated when another student attempted to protect his friend and his efforts
were repelled by an angry group. 
Reportedly, the Police had to be summoned to the scene to quell the
disturbance, and several pupils were taken into custody. They were later
released to their parents.
Police are said to be conducting investigations into this incident.